$Pages,15 $Title,What To Do First $Page1 $Sounds,S11,S12,S13 $SubTitle,Eight Basic Steps To Take $Text, Call out for someone to get help. $Text, Check breathing...if stopped, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. $Text, Check for a pulse...if the heart is not beating, perform CPR. $End1 $Page2 $Sounds,S14,S15,S16 $SubTitle,Eight Basic Steps To Take $Text, Stop bleeding by applying pressure directly over the wound. $Text, If something has been swallowed, ask the victim what it was. $Text, Keep the victim warm to avoid shock...if necessary treat for shock. $End2 $Page3 $Sounds,S17,S18 $SubTitle,Eight Basic Steps To Take $Text, Perform the Heimlich maneuver for choking. $Text, Try to remain calm and keep the victim calm. $End3 $Page4 $Sounds,S21,S22,S23 $SubTitle,What To Tell The Doctor Or Paramedics $Text, Exactly what has happened. $Text, Any noticeable injuries, symptoms or signs. $Text, When it occurred, or when symptoms or signs began. $End4 $Page5 $Sounds,S24,S25,S26 $SubTitle,What To Tell The Doctor Or Paramedics $Text, If known, what medications have been taken. $Text, If poisoning has occurred, what has been swallowed and when. $Text, Where the victim is. $End5 $Page6 $Sounds,S27,S28 $SubTitle,What To Tell The Doctor Or Paramedics $Text, The phone number and address of your location. $Text, Ask what else you can do to help. $End6 $Page7 $Sounds,S31,S32,S33 $SubTitle,Being Prepared $Text, When you call for help, be prepared to give your name, the location, and the type of emergency. $Text, Know what professional medical services are available in your community. $Text, Know the route to the nearest hospital emergency room. $End7 $Page8 $Sounds,S34,S35 $SubTitle,Being Prepared $Text, Know the location of your family's medical records, and be prepared to provide the victim's medical history. $Text, Carry insurance ID cards, Medicare or Medicaid cards with you at all times. $End8 $Page9 $Sounds,S41,S42,S43 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, In an emergency, making the right phone call can mean the difference between life and death. Here are some guidelines to help you decide who to call. $Text, Call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) if the victim: $Text, Is not breathing or is having difficulty breathing. $End9 $Page10 $Sounds,S44,S45,S46 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Has no pulse. $Text, Is unconscious or semi-conscious. $Text, Is showing signs of shock. $End10 $Page11 $Sounds,S47,S48,S49 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Has a neck, back or spinal injury. $Text, Has a head injury. $Text, Has a serious fracture or a possible broken bone. $End11 $Page12 $Sounds,S410,S411,S412 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Is bleeding severely, or passing or vomiting blood. $Text, Is ill or injured and cannot be moved easily. $Text, Has an injury or illness that is life or limb threatening. $End12 $Page13 $Sounds,S413,S414,S415 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Call the Poison Control Center if you know or suspect that the victim is exposed to poison by mouth, skin contact or breathing. $Text, Call a Doctor if the victim: $Text, Shows decreasing alertness $End13 $Page14 $Sounds,S416,S417,S418 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Has severe diarrhea or vomiting $Text, Has a sudden rise in temperature or a persistent high fever $Text, Is in great pain or is suffering persistent pain $End14 $Page15 $Sounds,S419 $SubTitle,Who To Call $Text, Is dehydrated $End15 $Page16 $Sounds,S420 $SubTitle,Emergency Telephone Numbers $Text, Fill out the following form now, and print out the copies you need to keep these emergency telephone numbers by every phone in the house. $End16 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Phone Number and Address of Location_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Doctor's Number and Address__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Doctor's Number and Address__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Room_______________________________________________________________ Ambulance____________________________________________________________________ EMS__________________________________________________________________________ Poison Control Center________________________________________________________ Police Department____________________________________________________________ Fire Department______________________________________________________________ Neighborhood Pharmacy________________________________________________________ 24-Hour Pharmacy_____________________________________________________________ Electric Company_____________________________________________________________ Gas Company__________________________________________________________________ Parents At Work______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Babysitter___________________________________________________________________ Neighbors____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Nearest Relative_____________________________________________________________ If you can't reach help, dial "0" for the Operator. Say it's an emergency, and provide your address and telephone number.